Monday, March 15, 2010

As long as I'm already frustrated with Ryan...

He sends me a text about his "beer elitism" and how he has no taste for domestic beer anymore.

I'm a huge fan of Guinness, and there are many other imports that I enjoy a WHOLE lot too... but I don't think anyone should just dismiss the vast and still growing domestic market. "Domestic" beer doesn't mean Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Light, you know... even though it did when I was a just a young and aspiring boozer.

There are some damn fine "microbreweries" out there that are getting to be as widely distributed as any of the Big Three... Sam Adams, Yuengling, Iron City, Lone Star, Sierra Nevada, Dixie, Grain Belt (a classic from Jambo and my youth), Leinenkugel (Jambo's favorite), Pabst, Old Milwaukee (yes, they are still making it and people still like it!)... these are the makers of some damn fine beer, here, and they shouldn't be ignored just because they are "domestic" labels.

Take into account the fact that the biggest of these breweries (Sam Adams, Leinenkugel, Yuengling, Sierra Nevada) make dozens of individual labels that are considered world class by any afficianado you care to ask, and you have a wide range of tastes and flavors before you ever need to dance into the import section of the beer aisle.

Surely the Sierra Nevada labels must be available in Vegas, right? Their porter and ales are really very good, even by my standards... and I was told they make a wicked good hard cider too. Yummmmm.

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