Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do you know what I love about our blog?

It's never just "one point of view"...

Yes, there are many aspects of current events that we share a common view of, but when we are posting our views, we are expecting a response... usually in the form of a rebuttal, refutation, argument or outright hostile threat. It is NEVER just one point of view.

So many blogs seem to be one point of view, presented for all to see, but with no means of addressing issues within those views or opinions outside of the attached "comments" that are difficult to post and aren't typically part of a debate or discussion.

We aren't simply hanging essays and articles about what we "think" is happening (or has happened) for everyone interested to read and absorb. We are posting these views with the express intention of getting someone (usually one of us, I know) to contribute to or refute the viewpoint. That is what makes this fun for me... and for anyone reading it, I hope.

Good times... good times.

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