Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not to change the topic here, but...

I simply have to share an experience I had last night...

It was midnight local time, and I was waiting for our 15-year-old to get dropped off after his regional championship robotics club match in Pittsburgh, PA (where, I might be so bold as to add, they made it to the semi-final round... making them a top-four contender out of 41 competing teams!), and I was really getting tired. So, to help keep me awake, I turned my satellite tuner to the Liberal Channel to see what that side of the country was talking about.

I do not listen to the liberal stations because I feel they have something to say that I will agree with, but because it gives me some insight into what they are thinking (or not thinking, if you get my drift). Anyway, the topic of that particular show's discussion centered around the recent headline that a Colorado Catholic school was refusing admittance to the child of an openly lesbian couple.

The entire show was one, long litany of the hypocracy, bigotry, and innate hatred that is ultimately found at the heart of Catholic Christianity. It is always amazing how these left-wing pundits call for uiversal acceptance and equality, but they refuse to look at a Christian practicing traditional family values with anything other than contempt and disdain.

What I came away from the experience with was this: For all the anger and outrage that was voiced during that show, and all the resentment and bitterness that I heard flowing out from the liberal callers about the tragedy being played out on this poor, proto-typical Colorado couple and their child, I couldn't help but wonder... what did they think the child was going to think or feel if the diocese HAD allowed her to enroll?

The Church teaches that we must look into the faces of all men, women and children and see the face of Christ. We must embrace everyone, reach out to everyone, and love everyone, just as God reaches out, embraces and loves us all, regardless of the sin in our lives. Refusing that child admittance to the school wasn't the Church "judging the child for the sins of the parents" as so many callers claimed, and it wasn't "seperating out the worthy from the not worthy". It was the Church, especially the local diocese, realizing that it wasn't fair to the CHILD to subject it to the routine study of WHY homosexuality is contrary to God's Law, knowing that it would put the child in a position where he/she might begin to see its "parents" as something other than two people that love each other and the child, and instead as someone living in sin and practicing a deviant lifestyle.

Anyone that thinks it is the role of the Catholic Church to play "apologist" to the children of gay and lesbian parents is forcing the Church into a position that endangers the emotional well being of the child. The Church realizes this... so why don't the liberals?


Daydream believer said...

HOW can you even register as a Democrat? LIBERAL this and liberal that?

Love one another, I think right? Leave the gay people alone..they aren't hurting you.

Titus said...

I challenge ANYONE (my wife, included) to show me where this particular case isn't one were these two parents are working towards the best interests of an AGENDA rather than their child.

Since it has been a precept of every single mainstream Christian faith that MARRIAGE is a sacramental union between a man and a woman, and that living in an openly gay or otherwise "untraditional" union is NOT the morally best path to follow, how can these parents hope to have their child educated in a manner that WON'T make "Mom and Mom" look immoral in the eyes of the child?

I don't know these parents, and I might be wrong, but I think they did this intentionally knowing the child would be denied entry into the school... just so they could make the Church look cruel and hateful when in fact they are looking out for the welfare of the child far better than the parents are.

Titus said...


Since when does being a Democrat mean I have to support every liberal or radical idea that falls into the gutter from those that use the DNC as a launching pad for their hate-filled tripe?

They are always condemning people like ME (conservative white Christian male) for not being open and receptive to each and every belief and lifestile that they can dream up... but not a one of THEM will give the Christian point-of-view any consideration whatsoever.

Gays can attend private school-sponsored activities, but kids can't wear crosses on their t-shirts, or take Bibles to study hall. Contraceptives can be sold in school bathrooms to grade school children, but kids can be suspended for saying Grace, or crossing themselves at lunch.

The "seperation of Church and State" was important to keep the State out of Church business (see the entire history of the Anglican faith, if you doubt me), NOT to keep Church out of the everyday application of one's personal faith during a daily routine.