Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm sick of hearing about "reconciliation"...

I mean it... I say "Let them do it!'

Seriously, use the move to pass the health care bill with 51 votes... and I promise it will be the same move used in less than four years to repeal the legislation. This is a no-brainer, people. Let Pelosi and the Dems use reconciliation now, after all that pissing and moaning I had to listen to in 2005 and 2007 about the GOP using the "nuclear option" and we will see the era of the "50+1 controls the Senate" begin.

Can anyone imagine a faster death sentence for the Pelosi-Reid power partnership that the 44 Democratic Representatives and the 18 Democratic Senators who hail from "red districts" that voted for McCain/Bush in the last 3 elections than the GOP promise that the "new" Representative/Senator will be that "51st" vote? That is an awful lot of Democrats (Blue Dog and pro-life alike) that are under some serious pressure starting right now.

I can't think of a more perfect "nail in the coffin" than the use of the same tactic to pass health care that they railed about for weeks when Frist threatened to use it to get some judges approved. The perfect example of the hypocrisy behind the infamous "power grab" quote that Al Gore made about the Bush White House... and the hypocrisy of the Obamacare force-feeding that we've been seeing for nearly three months.

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