Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I can't do it...

I have yet to find even one sentence of this legislation that give some kind of benefit to the average person that deregulating the insurance system would have done 100% better. This bill raises the cost of existing coverage at nearly every level, raises taxes to those that aren't going to recieve any benefits, and costs the Federal government a significant amount of annual revenue (meaning deficit spending) for the next 12 years.

It is a convoluted, confusing mess of a bill (soon to be a law) that was hidden from the American people with the express intent of masking just how over-blown and inconsequential it really is to the average American, while it increases Federal authority and access to our private lives by an entire order of magnitude. This is the political love-child of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid government... and everything about it is contrary to what Obama promised us in his vow to bring "hope and change" to America.

So, I'm bowing out of the role of "devil's advocate" today... you'll have to find someone either a lot smarter than I am, or a lot dumber.

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