Friday, March 19, 2010

Painting update...

The living room is done, and looks fantastic. What a difference! Hats off to the wife for picking a great color, and many thanks to Bund Buddies "Super Jon" and Becki for the help and laughs.

Jon brought some kind of paint remover disguised as a Brazilian-version of mezcal that he started doing as shots at about 10:30 AM... the man truly is "super". Liz and Becki are a solid two bottles into the afternoon (with Liz by far the worse for wear), and I'm the late-start with my "black" beers.

It's shaping up to be a long night at the Chateau d'Lieteau... all we're missing is all of you guys!

1 comment:

El Casa Grande said...

I can't wait to see the place. I hope it's sometime this year. Tell Liz if she liked the music, she should have a drink for me.

Luv ya and miss y'all!