Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Let me break out my CCCP hoodie...

You're right, not the message I intended to portray. Having ANY opposition be a REAL state, a nation with a face and identity instead of a faceless threat... That was what I meant. And let's remember one thing.

The days of the Soviet menace are gone forever. A strong Russia, with a working Navy, a formidable land army and an economic arsenal to draw from is NOT the same as the Red Menace we faced a generation ago. Putin can rattle sabers until hell freezes over but he won't resurrect the Bear from the 50's to the 80's. He's not staring at a Carter Administration military anymore. Putin's only "new" muscle is the Russian economy. Not the same as staring down Third Shock Army and wondering how Hanover or Hamburg could offer any kind of defense other than speed bumps.

Russian opposition, Russia dealing with "rogue" states, Russia playing the friend to the American foes in the end will hurt Russia for the same global reasons we point to American politics and speak of "opposition party" mindsets. The enemy of my enemy is my friend works during a war, not during peace. (Stalin, '41-'45 textbook example) If the Russians want to deal with N. Korea, Venezuela or any other rogue nation they're asking for the migraines that are sure to follow. He's a lot of things, Putin is, but stupid isn't one of them.

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