Monday, March 29, 2010

The Obama-factor...

I have to admit, Ryan made a damn good point in his last...

Obama does seem to be an exception to my rule that anger doesn't win elections. I guess I could try and make the case that the people were afraid, but I'd be making a point I don't believe. We weren't in the throws of a full-blown recession by Nov of '08 (although the signs were there)... so I don't think that people were as afraid then as they were going to become.

No, America bought into the "Blame Bush" campaign, and it carried the day. I could point to McCain-Palin and say they dropped the ball by allowing themselves to be seen as "divided", but again, I'd only be making excuses.

I do agree that McCain was a poor choice for a candidate, primary winner or not. The better candidates dropped out too soon, and the party suffered for it. So, knowing what we know, what kind of candidate can appeal to the dyed-in-the-wool conservative and the moderate or independent voter?

It is going to be someone with a real ability to convince the public that they have a PLAN that will work to fix what ails the nation, some real and measurable "face appeal" and some honest-to-God moral fiber to withstand the abuse and slander that the left will throw out for every second that their campaign goes on.

McCain didn't have that combination, even after he included Palin on the ticket. Romney didn't seem to have the stomach for it (otherwise he would have stuck it out longer). Huckabee shown to be too "judgemental" about his faith-related opinions from years back (I call that baggage, and there aren't many "experienced" candidates that aren't going to have that anymore). Paul was simply too far right... the conservative version of Jesse Jackson.

I think the candidate should be a Governor rather than a Senator, or if not a Governor, then perhaps a really (REALLY) perfect House member with some time under his/her belt. If you are old enough to have voted for Nixon or Ford (let alone worked for them), you are too old to run, in my opinion. They are out there... somewhere... all we have to do is find the right voice.

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