Saturday, August 21, 2010

The analogy works...

If the GOP wants REAL gains in the upcoming midterm elections, they should take a page from history and ask the American voter a very simple and straight-forward question:

Are you better off today then you were four years ago?

This is the question that was asked of voters in the 1980 election... and it was a devastating defeat for the Democrats, costing them the White House AND the House of Representatives, with Watergate still fresh on everyone's mind, no less.

I can't help but think that THIS is the question that people like Pelosi, Reid and Obama are most afraid will be asked in some upcoming GOP ad campaign. In fact, the most recent DNC ads, asking the public if they want to "move forward" with the Democrats or "go back" to Bush policy (with the 30-second video showing no one other than Bush, at all).

Hmmm... Bush saw an unemployment average of just over 5% for his eight years, which was only 1% higher than Clinton's average for his eight years... while Obama has averaged over 9%. I know, I know, he blames Bush for the unemployment levels... but Carter blamed an uncooperative Congress, and look where that got him?

Let's start asking ourselves if we all think we are better off moving in the direction Obama wants, or if we were better off four years ago? Who, in their right minds, could think the former better than the latter? What have we "gained" in the last four years that has made even one iota of improvement in my fiscal life? I honestly can't think of a thing... not a thing.

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