Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm not troubled...

Other than to think that so much of America has become so polluted as to think that Man is inherently "bad". Original sin (something I believe to be undeniably true, theologically speaking) is a stain on Man's soul from our propensity to sin... it is not an indelible mark that can never be removed, but only "covered up" by the blood of Christ's sacrifice. Catholics (of which I count myself one of... thank God!) believe, as a matter of faith, that original sin is erased completely, utterly and forever with the waters of baptism... and with those waters, the indelible stamp of the anointing chrism marks us as belonging to Christ, once and for all time.

No, my concern is that so much of our nation has forgotten the philosophical meaning of "human nature", and instead associate the word with thoughts and comparisons between and within societies. "Society" may have the nature of being "inherently bad"... in fact, I think it is, if it is constantly trying to make itself the dictator of what is "good" in all our lives, rather than leaving us to do that... but the individuals that make up any society CANNOT be inherently bad, or no society would be worth redeeming (as Ryan pointed out).

Ryan is also correct when he says that much of his faith (LDS) causes me to pause... but I am also a huge fan of ecumenism, and of trying to always practice the tolerance and understanding of others that Christ constantly called on us to act out. We can differ about the details (that's where the devil is, after all), but the proof is in the pudding... and when it all comes down to the wire and we stand before our God awaiting judgment, I'm confident that even Mormons will stand well with Christ if they've followed their faith's call to compassion, charity, family and neighborly love, and moral and ethical actions throughout their lives.

I'm not being condescending now... honestly... when I say that any Christian denomination enjoys the grace and fellowship of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit if they do so with charitable love in their hearts (which is what I think Beck was shooting for on 8/28). My Church and its last Pope say I am right in thinking this.

As John Paul II said in 1989... one can live quite nicely on soup, bread and water... but why would one want to when a feast of endless bounty and variety is spread before you by your Savior? He has invited us ALL to sit with Him and dine at this feast, and some come... but not everyone stays, and even fewer partake of all that is offered.

Okay... I'm done preaching. Back to talking trash about Obama...

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