Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just when the PTSD was easing...

I don't know if you guys can see the photos of the Biloxi Sun Herald online, but plastered on Wednesday's front page was a vintage photograph of the Copa Casino's barge resting across two parking lots on the wrong side of Highway 90.

So as the fifth anniversary of The Storm approaches, I have one question.

Do you guys still have the symptoms?

Five years as of Sunday and I still cannot sleep if it's raining out. If the rain is wind driven enough to hit the glass, patio doors or windows, I shake.

I remember Titus in our hotel room while working for Pilot sometime in November after the storm, pacing the room at 3AM looking for water. Did the big move make all that go away? I know there are smells that send me RIGHT BACK, as in do not pass go, do not collect $200.

It's only going to get worse over the next few days as the before and after pictorials flood the local media. Just wondering how the Diaspora respond.

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