Monday, February 14, 2011

Apologies, doctorae...

I got cut short yesterday while making my post... sorry if it left anyone hanging. I think I hit all the valid points, all I was missing was the conclusion, which isn't hard to glean.

Got to see the latest Spartacus last night... another homerun, if you ask me. Vidius is well on his way to being every bit as hated in this series as Selonius was in the last. Looking forward to the next chapter... I think both Titus and Gannicus are going to die by trusted hands very soon.

The lid switch went on my washer... perfect timing, since we are always backed up on laundry around here. I found the part easily enough online (nearest store with it in stock was two hours away), and I'll have it by tomorrow... but I don't have a schematic of the machine, and I'm curious if anyone here has ever had to remove the top of a top-load washer before. I know there are hidden clips under the lid's edge... but even in a short trial run, I wasn't able to get them to release. Obviously, I can spend more time on this Wed morning, as I am off work... but I would like to have everything ready and know I'm well on the way to completing the effort as I can possibly be.

A new washer of the same caliber as the one we have? $420 minimum. Cost to have someone come and replace the switch for me? $275 plus the cost of the switch, and a ten-day wait on the repair. Cost to have the switch sent to me directly from Sears? $64... and the obligatory two hours of fighting with the machine and testing my cursing skills as I do so, with delivery guaranteed in one day. The math on this kind of exercise is obvious and easy... but the math is never the problem. The problem always lies with the logistics. Logistics are where I fail, time and time again... as my wife is always so eager to point out.

What is the military maxim? Tactics wins battles, but logistics wins wars... right? Let's hope my preliminary efforts pay off in the logistical side of this "fix the washer" campaign... this house can't survive long without a washing machine.

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