Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Holy Crap I'm getting old...

31 years ago? For real?

One of my clearest memories of the Miracle on Ice was ten years later, in college. We were in my dorm room, the entire assemblage of the Fellas minus Titus talking about hockey. We had a very animated conversation going (keep in mind, the North Stars were still playing in Minnesota so we did have relevant NHL topics) about some of the greatest hockey we'd seen. Lots were mentioned, including the UMD teams of 84 and 85, Lake Superior St., and some other obscure hockey references no one will get (and even I didn't fully appreciate at the time) but when the conversation turned to Lake Placid everyone got quiet.

To a man we remembered where we were, to the point of what commercials played. To a man we complained about crappy announcers, (which NO ONE speaks of, really, because Al Michaels is immortalized for ten seconds of work) and how Team USA's defense and second/third lines were NEVER MENTIONED... just Jim Craig and Mike Eruzioni. The conversation became so animated our dorm Nazi, a loser named Joel, had to break us up with the threat of campus security.

I was nine years old Feb 22, 1980. My YOUNGEST child today is older than I was when we won the Gold. Where has the time gone?

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