Monday, February 14, 2011

Running for President

Had an interesting talk yesterday that covered a couple of breaks.

This buddy of mine, Chad, pretty smart kid, a bit rough on the edge, he's reading the paper in the breakroom and they've got an article breaking down Republican contenders for 2012. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are at the top of the list, Palin in there somewhere, Haley Barbour a bit further down. Chad kind of laments this. Tells me he read another article about how Barbour has a personal trainer now because it's not presidential to be overweight.

I told Chad it's ok to be a Vice-President and be chunky though, and it is the best case scenario for Haley because the man will NEVER be president. Then the inevitable question was, who should head up the ticket?

Chad thought Sarah Palin, but I said Michelle Bachman.

My logic? Reverse Kennedy. Young, energetic, moderately attractive Presidential candidate with the older, experienced, Southern vote garnishing VP candidate. Whether that'll actually HAPPEN or not, well, I'm not holding my breath. I don't think Ron Paul or Mitt Romney have the charisma to make it in a general election.

And that list? Michelle Bachman was last, with 4%... Bobby Jindhal? Didn't even make it.

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