Saturday, February 12, 2011

Passing the test...

Obama's top two intelligence directors were tested this week with all the drama in Egypt, and neither passed the test.

CIA Director Leon Panetta said that his information on the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, given Thursday in front of the House Intelligence Committee, was from "media reports" and not from any CIA or international sources... meaning any one of US could have given the same opinion with the same confidence as he was. The job must surely be worth an easy $250,000 a year... let's save the tax payer some money and let ME do the job for $80k, and I'll even do it from home. I'm sure my sources are every bit as good as Leon's.

Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, gave testimony to the same House Intelligence Committee on Thursday, stating that the Muslim Brotherhood was "a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence. " This is so patently false a statement that almost every rational member of even THIS Administration had immediately said it was certainly NOT secular, nor had all of its membership "eschewed" violence at all. They have, as a "heterogeneous" group, vowed to exterminate all Jews and drive the West (I assume that means the US and her allies) out of the Middle East. Of the 61 protest-related deaths in Egypt, more than half are attributed to actions taken by the Brotherhood in inciting riots by the protesters.

THIS is the meat-and-potatoes of the Obama White House's intelligence platter... a political hack from the House who has had odd jobs with Democratic Presidents since Carter and a washed-up "light general" from the Air Force who seems to get all his "intelligence" second hand (probably from Panetta). If this was the "test" that Biden promised that Obama and his team would face, then they have failed utterly and completely.

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