Saturday, February 19, 2011

Obama miscalculated ...

Its been revealed now that the President's political action committee, "Organizing For America", assisted in organizing these union protests in WI, OH, and so on. The DNC is now vested in the movment to kill these budget proposals with both boots & money on the ground. The miscalculation is this - the mid term massacre was about 1 thing - government over/deficit spending was not creating jobs. And the more these groups coordinate large scale protests, organize and shout, then the more they turn these otherwise anonymous conservative governors into rock stars. These governors are being introduced to the national scene as principled, scrappy, fiscal hawks, making the GOP 2012 pool only that much stronger. One of these guys from WI, OH, NJ, NV and so on could easily emerge as a new, national contender, and with none of the baggage of the current crop ... mark my words.

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