Monday, February 14, 2011

Speaking of "no rolls,"

If the dice are stacked at your joint, is it a roll?

At the Beau, it is a no roll, just like it was back in our Grand days. In all my time at the Grand I never saw stacked dice, and never heard stories about it. I have personally witnessed stacked dice now THREE times in almost five years at the Beau.

Crazy, huh? Is this just the law of averages catching up? My good buddy Shamus, (Las Vegas native, UNLV fan, bleeds Cubs blue, a freaking lights out golf player) has been in the business 30 years the last instance was his first. Made a point of looking at me and saying, "Well, Jimmy. Now I HAVE seen it all."

Hey, you know what you're working in black on this game?

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