Saturday, February 5, 2011

COD update...

The kids got the annual Gold membership up and running (who'd have thought THAT would be such a production?)... and today we download the First Strike expansion pack with all its new maps.

Seems Microsoft has made this a "double points" weekend, so the more you play this weekend, the more experience you wrack up. Katey, the 18-year-old, is about to ding 50 and move into her first Prestige level, Jacob (8) is about to hit Prestige 2, and Nolan is halfway through his Prestige 1. Me? I'm the odd man out, since before we could only have the three accounts. Now that the Gold membership allows four, MY avatar (Epicnoodles911... the kids picked it, so don't ask) is still trying to get out of his Sergeant's stripes. Man, its tough trying to NOT be shown up by the kids when you are starting from scratch...

We looked at the trailer for the First Strike expansion... did Ryan's house get it already? The maps looked amazing, and while some were the typical "small" maps so favored by the "run-and-jump" crowd, I like the prospect of some bigger maps where the sniper and assault classes can really play hard.

Honestly, what I think I'm really looking for is some reassurance that I'm NOT the only parent in this group of friends that is THIS addicted to the XBox games... I'm not am I?

1 comment:

F. Ryan said...

Yes. Yes you are. I only play with the boys on request here & there, mostly when the 9 yr old needs help maneuvering Assassins Creed, the occasional COD zombie game with the 11 year old, or when either wants to verse me in Madden/NBA 2K sports game.

I dont have my own Avatar :-)