Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hey cheetoh, check the author section ...

I didn't make the 2012 presidential post, Jambo did.

I like a Bachman-Barbour ticket. The JFK/LBJ comparison was good. By the way Titus, she's a second term congresswomen, and the first Republican woman elected to the House in the history of MN. And while you see her "identifying with the far Right" as a liability, I see it as an asset. The country is trending towards some hard core fiscal responsibility. And lets bare in mind something when discussing her viability among moderates/Independents - she got elected in Minnesota, twice (the first being in 06' amidst the Democrat land slide).

Now, if you guys can tear yourself away from video games, I have as question: President Obama said yesterday (at the news there are renewed Iranian protests in the streets of Tehran): "Leaders across the Mid East must realize their peoples thirst for freedom, and provide a peaceful path forward. . . We all know that terrorism, killing innocents, will not change things." That last bit aimed at communicating to the Muslim youth that peaceful protests are a quicker way to reform then Jihad. And that's fine. But I thought this phrase he's oft repeated, "killing innocents" to be a bit off putting.

So my simple question is, who are the non innocents?

1 comment:

Titus said...

You are correct... Bachmann is a 2-term Rep. I meant she was the first GOP woman elected... and she's not universally accepted even in MN, so my contravesial label stands.