Sunday, February 27, 2011

Libertarian night on FOX ...

"It is the natural progress of things for liberty to yield and government to gain ground."
-Thomas Jefferson

An ominous warning.

I'm assuming most of us here work Sunday evenings. If you can though, via DVR or at work, try and catch two back to back new(er) programs Saturday nights on Fox. They are each hosted by a Libertarian. The first is "Freedom Watch", hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano. The second is hosted by John Stossel, "The Battle for America's Future."

These are 2 of the most informative programs I've seen on the growth in size and scope of government. Their stats, stories, and interviews are breathtaking, and I mean that sincerely. Stossel interviewed Van Jones, the man is a hardcore wealth redistributionist, who's plain admissions on what he advocates caused my jaw to stand motionless, gaping. From Fanni Mae, to "nameless warrants", to the war on drugs, to ripping Gov Scott Walker for not including police & fire in his public union battles, I'm telling you these guys are unhesitatingly Libertarian and their consistency in thought alone is refreshing enough to garner viewers. Napolitano even praised Obama's refusal to enforce DOMA, not because he advocates gay marriage, but because he doesn't want the government to regulate marriage whatsoever. Stossel's stats on what the government spends per person - on average in the hundreds of dollars from 1776 to the 1930's, to a whopping $10,000 per person today, now constituting 40% of the US economy - is just staggering. And he juxtaposed that against a question he put to Van Jones: "Isn't the government big enough already?" Answer, "No, the government is not big enough. Life liberty and happiness is really code for housing, education and healthcare." I immediately noticed he left out "pursuit" ... so did Stossel.

At any rate, as conservatives all here I think it worth while to challenge where we draw the line between Conservatism and Libertarianism by giving hearing to articulate, informed Libertarians as they present their argument. And given these are the only 2 programs I know of to be hosted by practicing Libertarians, check it out if you have the time.

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