Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Could the "inter regnum" be coming to an end?

I have seen an awful lot of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi lately. He is the heir to the Peacock Throne of the Iranian monarchy, and has championed democracy and self-determination in Iran since his exile began in 1979.

Interestingly, he makes no claim to the throne, or even the title of Shahanshah (King of Kings). He works instead to guaranty a peaceful, internal (meaning no foreign intervention) overthrow of the Islamic Revolutionary government currently in power in Tehran. He is a huge advocate of passive, peaceful protests and broad, general strikes against government and infrastructure in Iran as the best means to reduce and remove the current regime from power, and is a loud and regular proponent of a clear and measurable seperation between sharia-based law and the government of Iran. With the popular unrest of the people now returning to Tehran, and protests and demonstrations becoming more and more frequent, I think his words and opinions are going to be heard more and more.

I don't know much about him, personally, but everything I've heard and read so far seems to tell me that he could very well be the "rallying point" around which a movement such as we saw in Egypt and Tunisia might well develop in Iran. It appears that about 20% of the Iranian population still considers him to be the "Shah" of Iran, and the rightful, ordained ruler of the Iranian people (as the heir to the Persian Imperial house). I will look harder, but it would seem at this point that he is the IDEAL moderate, Western-friendly leader that the US could support in such an effort... and his commitment to open, general elections and a new democratic constitution clearly seperating the spiritual from the secular is well documented. Even if he never assumes his titled position on the throne... his voice and face could very well be just what the doctor ordered for an internal revolution against the repressive regime of Ahmedidntshave.

The last round of protests stemmed around a questionable opposition politician/cleric who didn't have the support to keep the effort going... but a one-in-five opinion that Allah has determined Reza to be Shah would appear to be better than nothing, wouldn't it?

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