Thursday, February 24, 2011

I don't know about that...

When did Obama ever "say" he supported the protesters in Egypt? I heard him call for calm and reasonable discourse between the two parties... but never favored one over the other, never said one is right and the other wrong. He's a "fence-sitter" of the first order... he wouldn't have said anything that might have put him in a bad light with Mubarak, on the chance that Mubarak could have remained in power; and he certainly wasn't going to say anything that might put him in conflict with the "public" screaming for Mubarak's head, lest his own "public" think him less than liberal in his views.

Perhaps you did hear him say those words... but I'd bet a dollar to a hole in a doughnut that he said it AFTER Mubarak stepped down, with every intention of making the world think he was supporting the people in the streets with all his heart and soul from the start. This guy is "spin master" of Jedi proportions... do not under estimate his powers there.

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