Sunday, February 20, 2011


My bad... sorry.


How about that Scott Walker, huh? Is this guy toeing the line or what? Where did he come from? With no effort on his part other than to stick to his campaign promises, he has vaulted himself into the national limelight and gained the attention and support of nearly the entire national Tea Party movement... and while there are plenty of people that don't like him, there seem to be plenty more that do.

He is accused of being a media hound... and perhaps he is a bit at that... but let's face it, every time he gets in front of a camera or microphone, he's detailing (at length) WHY he is doing what he is doing and WHY the liberal opposition to his agendas is wrong. More to the point, people seem to be listening to him. Not just those in Wisconsin, either... he has supporters in Indiana, Florida and Washington State, too, where people are sending him money and encouragement by the basket full.

Are we seeing a contender for the 2012 GOP nomination here? A one-term wonder who can walk in at a tender age and win a Presidential election? When has that ever happened before?

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