Friday, February 25, 2011

On teacher unions ...

You aptly described the inherit nature of the teacher union - to grow the union, not educate children, but let me add this crucial element (& it applies to all public sector unions, but teacher unions in particular): its the "unholy alliance" factor. Teacher unions also spend their millions on candidates. Candidates to state legislature, governors, what have you. And if elected these same candidates then become DIRECTLY responsible for negotiating the contracts of the union which funded his or her campaign. That is a quid pro quo of the highest order in my estimation. So, in any union reform, I would advocate the ability of the individual member to opt out of seeing his dues used as campaign contributions; and if candidate A, B or C receives union contributions, there needs be an independent arbiter conducting those contract negotiations. Isn't to do otherwise a conflict of interest on the most basic level?

By the way - I've heard VERY good things about the public school documentary, "Waiting For Superman." Perhaps as parents all, each with kids in public school, we should take a gander.

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