Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Apple tree vs Orange tree

Titus said: "Add up all the deaths attributed to bin Laden, the PLO, the IRA, Hezbollah, the Red Brigade, the Black Hand, or the Ku Klux Klan... and then compare it to the deaths attributed to the governments of Stalin's USSR, Hitler's Third Reich, Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, Franco's Fascist Spain, Khomeini's Revolutionary Iran, and Saddam's Ba'athist Iraq. Given that comparison, which is the greater threat of terror on an epic scale: terrorists or established governments?"

I still stand by the statement that "War" is waged between governments. Everything above is terror. Pol Pot, Stalin, Saddam these are examples of terror being commited upon their own citizens by their own government.

I think that the Cold War would be a good example of two governments waging war by-proxy. The Americans supplying weapons to Afghan rebels so they could fight the Soviets. The soviets and Chinese supplying the North Vietnamese with not only their weapons but with our own captured weapons from Korea.

My example of state sponsored Terrorism would be Iran supplying Hezbollah with weapons so they can target Israeli civilians.

I hope this better explains my postition

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