Saturday, November 20, 2010

"I got hit in the plane."

That list of honorable service men only makes Titus' original post infinitely more sad.

I'm not on some "high horse" regarding my brother's service, it's simply the most personal, readily available example that I could list. I could of used George Washington, every Medal of Honor winner, ANY non indigenous individual worthy of praise and reverence post 1492. And make no mistake, that poster/tee shirt & massive sign as you walk in the front door - as 4 bus loads of kids piled through - was indicting EVERY non Native man woman and child since 1492 as a terrorist, and it flippantly employed a 9/11 associated reference to do so. And my emotional outburst is the real issue ... sure pal, whatever you say.

And while we're discussing the "sacred premise" of the Bund, as Jambo did in a recent text to me, let me clue you into something - I'm hardly in the mood to be lectured about this site's sacred status from someone who sat quietly by as his brother made grotesque Holocaust jokes during our Palestine/Israel debate. Am I the ONLY ONE outraged by that as well? Blood is thicker then Holocaust jokes? Really?

Furthermore - Titus posted online. I responded online. Jambo then assumes the prerogative to call and "chew my ass out", as he wanted and I did not allow. Look here chief - you want to take cyber arguments out into the proverbial "street", by hashing this out in the more personal format of the cellular phone, then fine. But understand, that's how you fracture more then the Bund's premise (I'm talking fracturing friendships, not mafia style "fracturing"). Taking these fights into the home, rather then fighting them out here, is EXACTLY how we descend into "f*ck you's" via text my friend. So be careful what you wish for.

Lastly - I want you both to think very hard about this, but especially Titus. Titus, you so loosely framed the parameters of your devil's advocate question that you actually had to issue a follow up post clarifying that you were not inferring that every non-indigenous man, woman and child post 1492 was akin to Al Qeada. THINK ABOUT THAT. That's how far (much like your disgusting Holocaust references) you took your contrarian stance on this issue. You had to come back and clarify that in your opinion not every American of European decent was a Bin Laden. And MY RESPONSE is what was "out of bounds" Jambo? MY RESPONSE was the post that was uncalled for or untoward? Really? Titus laughed off, even offered "well they have a point" overtones towards gross historical associations (and the practice of exposing them to busloads of 9 year olds no less, including my own son), and my calling your brother a few names in a post title is the REAL problem? The REAL blemish? Please. Let me clue you into something chief - I suggest backing up and gaining some perspective regarding how far (too far) Titus takes the devil's advocacy at times.

Look, you want my resignation from the site - just ask. But don't ask me to take back a word I wrote or even one second of outrage ... because I will not.

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