Sunday, November 14, 2010

Murphy's Law...

No better example of the Law's existence can be found then right here at my own home in NEPA.

At 11 pm last night, as I was getting ready to head up to bed and all was quiet in the house, the dog, Mic, started dancing around to let me know he needed one more trip outside before retiring. I took him to the porch, threw open the door, and then stepped back to smoke once more before bed.

The dog loves chasing rabbits and squirrels, and we have lots of both here at the house. I heard him bark once or twice, and I didn't think twice about it... until he came back onto the porch shaking his head like he'd been stung in the face. He started rubbing his face all over the rugs that we have on the porch... and that was when I noticed the smell.

Yep... Mic met his first skunk last night, right before my bedtime. Nice. Two hours later, after more baths and washing than I can count, he finally got locked onto the porch for the rest of the cold night. We used every kind of soap we own, all of our vinegar reserves, and damn near every drop of hot water... but upon inspection this morning, he seems to be odor-free.

Just when I could almost forget the premise of Murphy's Law... it comes rocking back stronger than ever. "If something can go wrong, it will."

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