Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why you shameful, slothful, jackal faced, slimy little moron!

That God Damned poster & tee shirts were offensive in the extreme. 'Homeland Security' is an invective of 9/11. It was created in response to 9/11 and is inseparable from the act which spurned it, and in this sense not just some government bureaucracy. And to use 9/11 as a "cute joke", as the curator defended it to me, is grossly inappropriate. In addition, to invoke the word "terrorism" in a post 9/11 world & state "since 1492" is clearly saying Christopher Columbus is no better than Osama Bin Laden. Furthermore the "since" part implies that every non Native American and their ancestors are no better then an Al Qeada cell, whom I assume should be dealt with accordingly! Save my spot at GITMO! Myself, my sons, every person of European decent is called a "terrorist" as they walk through the door of that place - there is no other interpretation of "SINCE 1492." Great message for kids walking in whose fathers aren't at that field trip because they're fighting actual terrorists over seas - "hey kids, your hero Dad soldier & his great, great grandparents are terrorists too!"

Not one person I showed that image to, from the principal of the school to the teachers or the other parents in attendence did anything but recoil and pick their jaw up off the floor. But not you. I'll debate, discuss or otherwise participate in any round table one wants to have about dark chapters in American history, from slavery to the mistreatment of Indians. But does that poster really do anything to communicate Indian culture to a wider audience, or further a legitimate discussion?

And Really? You really think my beef was with the critique of a government bureaucracy? That was your interpretation of my outrage? And that Mao-Obama poster reference was from the frigging moon. Ive never defended nor declared tasteful ANY such poster, I don't recall seeing one at any rally, and I have no idea what you're talking about in terms of what such a poster has to do with me or my outrage over this! Ask the person holding the freaking Mao poster, make that ridiculous point to them, NOT ME. I don't have one!

This is really when you're at your worst Titus. You attempt to find some third angle you think "clever", or take devil's advocacy to nauseating levels. I'm embarrassed for you, as a friend and a Bund founder.

And by the way, that particular museum was solely dedicated to the Anasazi Tribe, which completely dissipated by 1152 due to drought, not my ancestors whom arrived in 1640 - whom are the ancestors of my little brother, who's not a terrorist, but fights them VOLUNTARILY in the US ARMY as you sit in your cozy NEPA home, so you can take your misplaced devils advocacy & pseudo historian drivel and cram it up your ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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