Saturday, November 20, 2010

Drama shields ENGAGED

Your resignation from the Bund? Does that mean I get fired as your friend? We're not BFFs anymore? The whole wedding trip to PA, cleaning up the debris at your Long Beach house, the hours and hours spent debating in yards and breakrooms, all gone because Titus posted something and you didn't like it and couldn't take a deep breath before you FLAMED?

I'm not defending Titus, the same way I didn't defend Titus during the Holocaust jokes. I'm completely over the lack of civility we ALL HAVE EARNED. You say insane stupid shit all the time and do I flame you? No. I don't flame Titus. I've said insane shit (New Deal 2008 leaps immediately to mind) and everyone saw fit to slaughter the idea with civility.

If you're working on 58 minutes sleep in 24 hours, just coached your kids football team to an agonizing playoff loss, distracted by hot Russians and work, MAYBE YOU NEED TO NOT FREAKING POST FLAME RESPONSES. I recall a similar breakdown over bilingual education of your children sometime before 2008 that also resulted in F YOUS and threatened breakups of bromances, and seem to recall the "no sleep" excuse getting waved then. At what point in time in our careers to we learn NOT TO ENGAGE IN HEATED DEBATE WHEN WE'RE SLEEP DEPRIVED?

Is it so hard, really, to just give it a day? You go WAY LONGER not posting, but the minute something asinine comes up you LOSE YOUR MIND and can't take a moment to think, "Dude, I need to give this a minute. Take a perspective break."

If it were Titus going full wig freakout, I'd be chewing his ass, but at least he answers his phone and saves me the trouble of typing. And if your only criticism of me is a perceived silence over some stupid thread buried in the forgotten past, then you are too tired to debate.

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