Thursday, January 27, 2011

Again with Reagan?

Pressed for time today, but look ...

we've been over this. Deficit spending under Reagan, and I mean literally the budgets he sent up, were primarily manifested in Defense. I have routinely stated that to win wars (which Reagan was clearly waging) it is acceptable to deficit spend. In addition, Reagan offered budgets/proposals to decrease various spending, and Tip & the boys told him the only way he gets a blank check on defense was to sign in to law the Democrat domestic spending they wanted (or at least could live with). Reagan made the deal, seeing the Soviets and the possibility of thermo nuclear war as the greater threat. So between waging a winning Cold War strategy & Tip's conditions of compromise, yes Reagan deficit spent. The brilliance of Reagan, his true legacy, is he was able to accomplish so much with a hostile congress for all 8 years. Obama wasnt half as successful with twice as many Houses of congress.

But lets get to the heart of the matter on Ronnie - you are fascinated with our (self proclaimed conservatives) fascination with Reagan. We treat him like a God & you find pricking that notion until it bleeds mortal blood an enjoyable sport. So is that what you want me to say? That Reagan wasn't perfect? That he wasn't "conservative" in every instance, at every moment in his life? Fine, lets be done with it - Reagan was not perfect. You feel better now?

That being said, he was the most consistent, and if you add effective (eliminating Hoover with Smoot-Hawely), conservative president (or president period if you ask me) of the 20th century. And routinely polls in the top 5 greatest of all time according to the American people. And by the way, I don't mind your routine pin pricks of the Reagan legacy so long as you question liberal-progressives as to why they are so in love with JFK when, if he were to run today, they'd consider him a rabid right-winger.

As for your Goldie Locks question - when is a candidate I could sport too hot, too cold, or just right, look, give me a name, their positions on the issues & I'll tell you. To attempt to work it from the other end is futile. As you said, and I agree, anyone espousing my "dream platform" would be taken apart at the joints. Because we dont prize teaching Constitutionality, federalism,basic civics, or economics in this country, otherwise my proposals would be a slam dunk. And this is why we are in decline as the world's dominant force - we're piece by piece abandoning what got us there.

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