Monday, January 3, 2011

Debt ...

Just a quick note on a different subject ...

We are now roughly $14, 000, 000, 000, 000 (that's trillion) in debt.

The new GOP majority (full of Tea Party acolytes), have vowed two things as the first order(s) of business. First, they have already (just today in fact) submitted a bill to repeal Obamacare entitled: Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Act. Secondly, they have vowed to vote down the latest bill to raise the US debt ceiling.

The White House has called the prospect of not raising the debt ceiling "grossly irresponsible." Various senior Democrats call it ludicrous, dangerous, unprecedented.

You know who voted AGAINST raising the debt ceiling in 2006?

A then Senator Barack Hussein Obama.

By the way, the cost of Obama's 2,500 page health care bill? Upwards of a trillion dollars. The fact that the bill to repeal it is only 2 pages long... priceless.

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