Saturday, January 22, 2011

There's the difference...

Olbermann lost his ability to be objective when he gave up his career as a sports caster. Back then, his wit and humor were a perfect counter to his spot-on analysis, where as now his wit and humor is all he has going for him. Much like Bill Maher, his comedy is the only thing keeping him even remotely relevant in today's political environment.

Some of the best commentary he ever gave was when he was guest-hosting the Dan Patrick Show... objective, rational commentary on topics he was intimately familiar with: sports. Since then, he has given popular sentiment about liberal politics a witty and humorous voice on MSNBC... but has thrown away any rational or objective position he may have ever held.

His cries against conservative "hypocrisy" are as hypocritical as anything that could be heard or seen... his calls against conservative rhetoric in the public political arena fly in the face of anyone that has ever seen his "Worst Person in the World" segment, or his use of such endearing terms of description as "fascists", "Nazis", "totalitarian" when describing the former President's administration and its policies.

Its telling, isn't it? He recognizes the "right thing to do" in the actions of Kirby Puckett at the end of his career and life... but can't apply the same rules to his own views, words and actions while doing his show.

Very sad.

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