Sunday, January 30, 2011

Doth mine ears decieve me?

Without putting too fine a point to this discussion thus far, I simply must ask for some clarification:

Have I erred in coming to the conclusion that the REAL lesson here is the will of the people is NOT always the best course of action for a nation-state?

Let us assume that the current regime in Egypt concedes to the demands of the riotous protesters and holds free and open elections to ALL positions of government, and that Mubarak steps aside as soon as this is complete... which is the ONLY thing that will get the riots to stop, it seems.

Almost all opinion on this topic that I have heard over the course of the last two days is that the Muslim Brotherhood and its sympathizers would sweep into power through the only legitimate means available in the eyes of the Western world... and something Mubarak himself has never even attempted to under go... a free and open election by the people of Egypt.

This is what happened in Gaza, and we got Hamas. This is what happened in Iraq, and we got al Sadr supporters and lackeys. This is what happened in Syria, and we got the Ba'athists. This is what happened in Germany, and we got the National Socialists. Its happening now in Ankara, Amman, Tunis, Baghdad, Kabul, Islamabad, and Beirut.

Surely we are not advocating the best course of action for the US is to NOT support the will of the people to be governed? Surely, the Egyptians are the best suited to choose who their leadership and government is to be? If the Egyptian people want to hold free and open elections, can we honestly raise a voice in protest and hope to keep ANY semblance of honesty or integrity in ourselves? Isn't this exactly the sort of democratic society in action that we have supported and called for for the last 100 years in Egypt? In the entire region? How is it that we can support Mubarak when he is denying the very thing we say is needed in places like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Cuba, et al?

I'm asking out of all sincerity... most conservatives, and many Democrats, are calling for a peaceful end to the crisis, but NONE are calling for the elections that the protesters are asking/demanding. Why not?

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