Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Holy rag on a stick Batman!"

I have to this say about that privy scene in the latest Spartacus - that reusable personal cleaning utensil sure took the edge off of any romantic notions one might have about living in that era ... no thank you sir.

If Ryan was king for a day, what would I cut?

Look, I can't go down the line of something as massive as the federal budget and tick off what stays and what goes. But if you want a few specifics, or an "in general" notion, here goes:

1.) A Constitutional Amendment that states our national debt can never surpass 20% of GDP, outside of a Congressional declaration of war.

2.) Obamacare - GONE.

3.) The Department of Education - GONE. The states will be provided education specific funds without constraint for 18 months, time enough for sate legislatures to enact appropriate measures, then the DOE closes its' doors, forever.

4.) The Department of Energy - GONE.

5.) Social Security - privatized. All those aged 55+ (as of now) receive their benefits from the government as paid in. All other contributions are seeded into private individual retirement accounts, as the government winds down its' involvment in the affair entirely. Are there voluminous aspects to this that could fill a dissertation? Yes. But as the PoTUS is so into space analogies let me say that if we can put a man on the moon, we can put SSI dollars into the private sector. At least when the private sector screws up with your money they're accountable. The government must retire from the retirement business, if you will. One can't argue on the one hand that the government doesn't have a right to force me to buy health insurance, but on the other that it does have the right to force me to buy retirement insurance.

6.) 80% of the IRS & 100% current tax code - GONE. Install a flat income tax, 12%. That is a "cut" in taxes and in the IRS bureaucracy.

7.) Across the board 20% reduction in government - ALL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, minus Veteran benefits entirely, and the military as a whole gets only a 10% haircut, focusing mostly in fraud, waste and abuse stemming from unnecessary or unwarranted programs/contracts.

8.) All "CZARS" retired. The position eliminated entirely. Get approval from congress, put them in the cabinet, or they don't head a damn thing. This isn't the Imperial Senate of George Lucas. The money they earn is a pittance. The money they spend/cost (especially the "Regulatory Czar") isn't.

9.) No federally funded "Green" initiatives. The government picks it's science winners and losers via the ideology of the controlling Party. In either case the politics leads the science, not the other way around. If the technology works, and is in demand, people will make and come to it on their own. I don't need the EPA or yet another Czar in the business of dictating to me the type of light bulb I'm allowed to use.

I was going to do a #10, but the point is there must be 10,000 more ways to give the government its needed hair cut, and new law/repeals that would unleash free enterprise and a wave of job growth (corporate and cap gains taxes for instance). And as I can't afford to quit my job and abandon my children in order to provide them to you, I will stop here, for now. Also a chief point to remember is NONE OF THIS MATTERS until we vote out this president. There are fantastic plans, measures and ideas all over Washington and the country on how to reduce the scope, size, and cost of government. But until we as a nation vote in a person willing to implement such measures on our behalf, the brilliance and plain effectiveness in the individual plans will be meaningless. In other words, I'd be much more willing to discuss precisely what's to get cut when we have someone in office that is willing to do the cutting. That's not to say the Paul Ryan's et al shouldn't make their case to the American people with measurable and specific examples of how they'd cut government, they should. That's a conversation the GOP needs to have with the voting public. But for me, personally (someone they needn't convince) this has all become a moot point until Obama has lost the presidency (well, and to weed out the GOP contenders for 2012).


Titus said...

Hehe... it was a sponge on a stick, soaking in either fresh, moving water (in fancy baths) or buckets of strong vinegar (where the alcohol acts as an astringent to keep you clean and fresh).

The guy at the "door" was a slave belonging to the person (or guild, or shop, etc)that owned the toilet and he was there to actually "wash" your backside if you needed it... or hand you/take from you the stick when you were done.

There's a dirty job, huh?

F. Ryan said...

I'd say ... let's see that annoying guy on the Discovery Channel do that.