Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"We're paratroopers Lieutenant... We're supposed to be surrounded."

That just hurts ... Major Winters, gone.

For those who don't know Jambo & I flew out to NEPA for Titus's wedding. A trip to Gettysburg was on the agenda early on. Then one of us realized Hershey, PA was quite literally on the way (they actually have Hershey Kisses as street light tops, I saw them). We had googled the man's address, and we're siked beyond words as we pulled up to the curb in front of the house. A pristinely kept yard, & home which would of inspired Norman Rockwell. We wanted nothing more than to briefly shake his hand & say thank you ... to demonstrate first hand the rock star awe we held him in ... that he earned. But the typed message floored us as we approached, stopped us dead in our tracks. We caught a glimpse of the 506 flag in his den, snapped a picture or two of the home, & left.

For a very brief moment, and for the purest of reasons, I stepped forward on that porch, considering a knock. And Titus remarked,"The only thing worse then not meeting him, would be pissing him off, he's earned this right."

Of course he was right.

It occurred to me later that it was an awfully small sign to ward off fans of such a wildly popular series as Band of Brothers. But in thinking about it now I realize ... for anyone journeying to honor Major Winters with a simple thank you, a small sign is all it would take.

The picture of his home is still one of my prized possessions, and the trip to take it, one of my prized memories.

Rest In Peace sir ... you've earned it.

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