Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Deep into the pickle barrel...

I was interrupted while ending my last post, but I wanted to make one more point on the subject:

I called it "compromise"... but it is NOT compromise. It is REALITY. There is no aspect of our national political machine that isn't going to be effected or impacted by the state of our economic troubles right now, and well into the future. Freezing defense and military spending while TWO shooting wars are being fought on the other side of the planet seems like a huge thing to ask... but it is simply coming down to simple, one-plus-two arithmetic: this government cannot continue to spend money that it does not have now, nor will have later. END OF STORY.

Paul Ryan said it best: We are ALL going to have to bite the bullet here, and we're going to have to do it soon. Neither side of this debate can have its cake and eat it too... so from the conservative perspective, reducing "conservative" spending needs by no more than they rose 12 months ago seems the least painful of the options to take, and forces the Left to accept the balance of the reductions.

If this means that we can no longer afford to support the security and military efforts of the new Afghan and Iraqi regimes... then so be it. Both have publicly (and very loudly) called for a rapid end to US involvement in their countries, and if that is what saves THIS country, then I am for an immediate withdrawal of forces from BOTH theaters. Ten years in Afghanistan and 7 in Iraq is more than enough proof that the US is dedicated to helping to establish and support free and democratic governments... but not at the fiscal and economic safety of THIS country.

See my point?

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