Saturday, March 15, 2008

American Wahabbism

I've got two words for Barak Heussein Obama & his supporters - IT'S OVER. I don't want to hear any such silliness as this is mere guilt by association, or it's his pastor not him, etc etc. Let me throw a few words at you - "mentor", "uncle", "spiritual guide", "friend" "whom I turn to in difficult times." These are but a few words and phrases Senator Obama has used to describe Dr. Wright.

Now, let us take an objective look at Barak's uncle and mentor. I could use many sites but I'll go with ABC so as not to be accused of using a right wing site, Brian Ross @ covered the many hate filled, vile, venomous sermons of Obama's mentor. You may view for yourself but here are just a few: He says his only interest is in the black value system and black work ethic. That in fact the US is the largest terrorist organization in the world. That we are Al Qeada just flying a different flag and killing in the name of a different God. That the US purposely infects third world countries with AIDS in order to maintain our superpower status. That the USA is more properly pronounced the US of KKKKK, A. That the US is taking part in a genocide against Palestinians by backing Israel. That we are a nation of the worlds most prolific murders, citing that we dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He claims that our government is purposely flooding black communities with drugs and disease. He speaks of Condoleeza rice, Colin Powell and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in a way one might suspect they'd find around a white supremacist seperatist camp fire side. Keep in mind that he does so with all the fervor and flare that a loud fiery orator has to offer, and all from the pulpit. Oh, and I must mention his infamous, "White America wants us (blacks) to sing God bless America, but no, I will sing God damn America, God damn America, God damn America."

He is disgusting, he is vile, he is a racist and an anti-semite, and he is much more then just Obama's Church leader - remember he is who he admits he turns to in times of crisis, and quote, "to square my political beliefs with those of my faith." I believe that it is true what has been said of Obama, he's a blank slate in terms of the political electorate and people for whom he calls a mentor allow us the opportunity to fill in those blank spots. Michelle Obama's statement that she is "for the first time in my adult life, proud of my country" makes sense now. And Obama's statement of record that he would fly around the world and "talk" to our enemies, be it Iran or others, also makes much more sense now - after all we are the ones in the wrong.

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that Hillary hammered him for being only words, with no proven record to speak of. To which he gave the "borrowed", but still clever response that "We have nothing to fear but fear itself, just words. I have a dream, just words. Ask not what your country can do for you but what can you can do for your country, just words ... words friends, mean something." I agree Senator, and if he were just the leader of your church, combined with your busy schedule I might have some understanding that you weren't familiar with your pastor's seromons. Had he not been on your campaigns faith committee, had he not married you, baptized your daughters, had you not made repeated financial donations, had you not described him as "an uncle" to you (just tonight I might add), and proclaim that he was your mentor, then I might believe you when you say you've never heard this rhetoric before the last 48 hours. Yes, he actually made that claim just tonight , live on FOX news. After 20 years of attending sermons, being mentored, being a confidant, presiding over a marriage and two Baptisms, he claims that this rhetoric is not any he is familiar with or have personally witnessed his pastor say. It should be noted here that Brak is on record describing how at Harvard, while in law school, he would at night listen to recorded tapes of Wright's sermons.

I find the following curious as well: When Barak announced his presidential candidacy, live in front of the press last year, Dr. Wright (I refuse to give that vile promulgator of hate the hallowed title of pastor) was scheduled to give the invocation. Barak personally made a change and prayed with Wright "privately." He is on record as saying to the Dr when he was informed of the change, "[I]t's because you can get pretty rough in some of those sermons." Then, a month later he (Wright) was named to the Obama campaign's faith committee. Pray tell dear Senator, what did you find "rough"? I mean you are now, as of this very evening, on record stating that you never witnessed any of these inflammatory statements in person, so what could you be speaking of? Do you condone Wright's trip to Tripoli? Oh yes, haven't heard this? Wright travels, with Qaddafi - Qaddafi now (SNL wishes they could come up with this material) - and bestows upon America's sweetheart, Louis Farrakhan, a lifetime achievement award. I mean, proclaiming Judaism is a gutter religion and that the white man is the skunk of the earth, that's award material don't you think?

Let me add here that I hold particular contempt for the apologists whom say he was taken out of context, that we have to understand that black churches are different (a CNN theme it would seem tonight), and on and on and on as they see their man, their golden child, go down in flames.

In the past when I've mentioned that the prospect of Hillary being president, "scares me", I did it tongue in cheek. She'd be a disaster no doubt but "scaring me" was meant for comedic/dramatic affect. Well, I'm serious, deadly serious about Obama scaring me. If I were mentored by a white supremacist whom thought that the US was responsible for 9/11, that blacks purposely infect whites with AIDS, whom gave david duke a lifetime achievment award, and was married to a woman whom wasn't proud of America (at 46 years old) until right now, wouldn't you question my judgment? My fitness for the presidency? And let me further add, if you attend a church that in fact does not influence you, or reinforce your morals etc, then why attend? And I am to on top of that believe that in 20 years worth of services, a wedding, two Baptisms, and countless private counseling sessions that Obama didn't hear of anything of this sort from his mentor until now? It requires that I suspend reality and all the good sense God gave a goat. It's falderall, poppycock, BS of the strongest and most pungent odor.

So, the question, amongst our little trio at least, is: isTitus still a supporter? He never responded to my assailment of his original declaration of support when I referenced abortion. And just a side bar, all of you self professed Catholics have to choose - you either agree with all tenants of your faith or you can vote for a pro-choice candidate, not both. When we first met, due to my own inexperience at the art of debate, I let the conversation go when Titus recited some foggy poorly conceived excuse that allowed him to vote for a pro abortionist if he thought that that individual would have no bearing on abortions or their legality, but no more. If nothing else the executive decision to fund or unfund Planned Parenthood means millions of federal dollars to promote and preform abortions around the world. That's before we even get into Supreme Court nominees. We are now one, let me reiterate, just 1 justice away from having a court that would overturn Roe, would a challenge land in their court. Would that be the case had Gore won in 2000? Those hanging chads saved countless lives - the ultimate disenfranchisement. I utterly reject this "whoever is president won't affect abortions so I can vote for a pro-choicer" on its face. It is an abject falsehood. It is patently and absurdly false and easily proven so. Put simply, presidents do. So to Titus, and every other Democrat leaning and voting Catholic, if your simpatico on economic issues with the Democrat Party outweighs your objections to abortion and dedication to that aspect of your faith, or if you simply can't bare to confess to your mother that once again you're voting Republican, then step up and own that reality and discard one or the other. Otherwise I have no choice but to consider you the proverbial cafeteria Catholic.

So what is it? Obama and cafeteria Catholicism with a heavy dash of American hating black supremacy? Or a war hero? Keep in mind, the footage most associated with John McCain is his saluting a commanding officer as he finally came home broken and battered from the Hanoi Hilton. That and the grainy black and white aired on the History Channel no less, of McCain dragging a fellow pilot out of a plane on the deck of a carrier when a diesel fire broke out, saving his life. If he had just attended Trinity Church of Christ, then perhaps he would gain the much vaunted support of Titus, the king maker.

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