Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't you ever READ anything I write?

Dufus... I was talking about the PRIMARY election to be held this month in PA. THAT was when I had thought to vote for Obama, knowing all along that I could never vote for EITHER in the general election.

My sentiments concerning Obama and his charisma were simply observations... he has never wavered in his support for abortion, the abandonment of the cause in Iraq or Afghanistan, his plans for "affordable health care" are affordable only to the poorest of the poor, he refuses to wear a US flag or to call himself "proud" to be American, his wife is a flat-out racist, his foreign policy position seems to be "we will do what YOU (read: the UN) want from now on, I promise"... but, by God, he does give a good speech! Who can deny that?

Why on earth do you think I was defending McCain so much? Would I have made such an issue of the harsh reception Mac was getting from conservative pundits if I didn't think he had something real and tangible to offer to the country as CIC? Would an Obama supporter defend McCain?

I thought I had made myself clear when I said that I intended to "stir the shit and see what floats to the top..." in the Too Quiet Here post. I'll have to learn to spell things out better, I know...

YES, the Church has spoken from as far back as the 1st Century that abortion is a SIN... of the gravest sort. It is the disregard for human life at its most callus and uncaring, regardless of the condition of the mother at the time. What more fragile and helpless aspect could human life take than that of an unborn child? Yet that child is treated like a tumor to be removed before further damage is caused... an unspeakable crime, in my eyes. This is NOT a matter of opinion, but of moral and ethical fact.

I have, in the past, voted for pro-abortion candidates... the biggest was Bill Clinton. I do not deny that Bill Clinton used his power of appointments and veto to do everything he could to promote abortion, and I can only stand by my use of conscience in weighing the "good and the bad" in making that determination. I can sleep well at night knowing that when I voted for Gore in '00, he wasn't the lunatic that he is now (at least not publicly) and the other half of the ticket was as pro-life as I could hope from the Democrats. Joe's only concession to the abortionist's cause has been the phrase "when the life of the mother is imperilled." Looking back now, though... my conscience does rankle at having voted for Clinton, after seeing what Bush has accomplished.

I am also the first to admit that Bush Jr. DID, almost single-handed, get the Partial Birth Abortion ban passed in Congress and cleared by the Court (by one out of nine votes). In this instance, Bush has done what no other GOP President has done since Nixon... slow the progress of abortion in the US. Reagan did nothing, Bush Sr. did nothing. Bush's appointments even voted AGAINST the ban! So, all credit to Bush for making the first in-roads against the "Culture of Death" in America. It is his greatest contribution to his legacy, in my opinion. My position on the importance of a President's ability to curb the influence of Roe v Wade has changed, and I will NEVER marginalize the significance of bring an end to the deaths of tens of thousands (some even suggest hundreds of thousands) of viable CHILDREN each and every year since the ban went into effect.

My moral and ethical positions in politics are no secret here at the Bund, and there is little doubt that they are best reflected in a conservative President right now... at least until Joe Lieberman or Gene Taylor run for the White House. Were I the rabid leftist that you always seem to portray me as, I am sure I would have voted for John Kerry in '04 and not for Bush.

Please... pat down the hackles and get yourself under some kind of control... I am whole-heartedly supporting John McCain in '08, although I STILL think Fred Thomson would have done a better job in the long run. How could you even think I would support for President a man who's wife equates the US military with the terrorists they are fighting? All the criminal acts and mistakes made since 2001, if multiplied by 100, couldn't compare to the regimes we have removed and the pain and suffering we have eased since.

Say what you will... I am NOT an idiot, Ryan.

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