Thursday, March 27, 2008

Federal Health Care

I just now realized that I hadn't touched on Ryan's comments about the proposed "universal" health care that Hillary and Obama keep talking about.

Of course, it goes without saying that I am opposed to this sort of policy... but not because of the bureaucracy it would create (and it would be huge) or the cost involved (even bigger)... but because of the simple fact that it CAN'T work!

Americans are being told all the time that they can expect the candidates to provide UNIVERSAL coverage to all Americans... and this could be done (regardless of what Ryan or the rest of the right say)... but it can't be done at the LEVEL of EXCELLENCE that we enjoy today!

This is true by the very definition of the terms UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. It would be more than impractical to raise the level of even mediocre health care while insisting that it be funded at a flat, subsidized rate... it is impossible. Thus, ALL health care in such a system is suddenly REDUCED in quality and efficiency to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR. This is the unavoidable FACT of universal coverage... and it is never mentioned AT ALL!!!

If the GOP were to take to example of one F.Ryan and simply piss and moan about the COST of universal coverage, or the size of the bureaucracy that would be created... "John Q Liberal" isn't going to give a rat's dirty ass about the arguments! They don't care about government cost or the number of bean-counters on the payroll at the Department of Health and Human Services... they want to be able to take their children to the doctor's office REGARDLESS of whether they have the visit covered by insurance or not.

If the GOP were SMART... they'd take my advice:

Use ANY rural American county free clinic as an example... long lines and reams of paperwork (with all necessary Form 1040 and Social Service documentation) ready for submission, longer waits on cheap plastic benches, rude and surly RNs and LPNs (if you're lucky) who are making the bare minimum of the industry standard salary, and a cursory examination and diagnosis at best... with an attending physician available for only 1 in every 55 patients through the door. This is the AVERAGE you can expect from any one of the hundreds of thousands of state and county free clinics already operating in the US.

THEN assure America that THIS is what they can expect from EVERY emergency room, surgery suite, doctor's office and hospital IN THE NATION. A perfect parallel would be to turn ever ER and hospital into a state-run DMV office.

This isn't worst-case scenario stuff, here... it is undeniable, historical FACT that can be demonstrated and substantiated hundreds of times over, with both examples in foreign countries and RIGHT HERE IN THE US!

Do you see my point? THIS is the GOP dropping the ball AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN! Stop focusing on the abstract responses like "who is paying for it?" and "who will run it?"... the 40 million uninsured Americans in this nation DON'T CARE about that... they can't pay for their OWN coverage, so what good is complaining about the lack of money in the system going to make?

The Dems are focusing their criticism of the GOP and Bush on TANGIBLE failings in the economy, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, US foreign policy, a health care coverage crisis, et al. Why would the GOP respond to these criticisms with ABSTRACT concepts of long-term cost and a greater number of government lackies?

I agree that there is no substance to what the Dems are selling... but the conservative response is just as non-existent. Can SOMEONE in the GOP inner-circle (or kabal, or whatever they use) PLEASE put a couple of planners and a think-tank or two on the payroll and GET SOME ANSWERS in the public eye for questions about how to insure 40 million WORKING and LEGAL US citizens? Or is there some grand strategy that I am not aware of that requires the GOP to ASSIST the Dems in their efforts to take back the White House and Congress?


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