Monday, March 3, 2008

What the...?

Okay, number one, I wrote an absolutely STUNNING Nobel prize worthy response to that TRIPE you posted about inconsistency in my postings Sunday and the blog site ATE it. Gone. Completely. Do you know how disheartening that is?

Number two, during ONE class period I connected the Babylonian Captivity, the Great Schism, threw in the Black Plague, made it all relevant to ninth grade CCD students, and drew an unbroken line from 1054 and Humbert of Silva-Candida to Martin Luther and his actions on 31 Oct. 1517. While that may seem mundane to your slacker eyes now that you're out of the instruction aspect of your faith, it does require some effort that takes me away from Bunding.

Number three, I've been spending a lot of time today explaining the whole "snow covered pile of poop" aspect of Lutheranism. For some reason it's not in their little catechism book. Shocker? I think not. It fits nicely in between Sola Scripura and Sola Fidelae.

And if you bothered to check the hits list, I see the damned site three times a day. Just because I don't get a chance to post doesn't mean I'm not reading your contributions, or Ryan's when he finishes his move.

So back off before I bring the rain.


Titus said...

Let's see...

1) Deal with it and re-type.

2) Elementary.

3) Even easier... how can we be "redeemed" if the sin is never removed?


Titus said...

Cardinal Archbishop of Sicily (but the Normans refused his services), elevated by Leo IX and companion of Stephen IX (I think... can't remember who followed Leo).

He ushered in the Gregorian Reform Era... among others.

Too easy.

Jambo said...

You happened to omit the reason he's linked in my master history plan, you ignoramous. He was the papal legate sent to Patriarch Michael of Constantinople and sacriligiously tossed the articles of excommunication onto the very alter of the Hagia Sophia, thus finalizing the Eastern Schism of 1054.So before you rattle off Gregorian Reforms, (which, by the way, aren't in effect until four centuries later) remember that in some cold, damp hell reserved for sinfully prideful poopheads and intolerant know-it-alls like one Titus, you'll have Humbert to keep you company.

Titus said...
