Saturday, March 22, 2008


I didn't even know that about McCain's plan, and it would seem of us 3 (whom fall into a 1% or less categotry regarding the following politics and other subjects) you were the only one, and even then had to research it. I agree, healthcare, the way Obama/Hillary propose it, is a gaping Achillies Heel that the GOP is for unexplained reasons not explooiting. Look how miserably "Hillarycare" failed politically last time, I mean we've seen this movie. And get this - even if we "got back" every red cent spent on Iraq thus far, it wouldn't cover Obama's plan for A SINGLE YEAR! And not only are the Dem plans disasterous in every measurable way, McCain has a ingeniously simple way - as you pointed out quite nicely - to go a long way towards healthcare reform.

I shudder to think McCain will be as inept at articulating his good ideas & successes as Bush is, let us hope not and that "McCaincare" will become a household name.

PS> just to dove tail with your argument, if the tax code actually encourages doctor visits, then it would translate into driving down the cost of things like, I don't know, medicine, ER visits (via frequency), Dr visits etc? I mean more "customers" means more competition for those dollars - "sales" on medicine, initial visits, prescreening etc, etc. Good post Titus - informative.

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