Friday, March 28, 2008

One more thing...

If you haven't seen it, rent "The Kingdom".

How did I go this long and NOT watch this movie? It has a cast that I would have pegged as raging liberals... Jamie Fox, Justin Bateman (sp?), and others whose names escape me... but the premise and direction of the movie goes right to the heart of both the War on Terror and our associations with countries of questionable purpose in the same war... meaning Saudi Arabia and the Royal House of Saud.

This is a good movie... at least what I watched of it so far. I interupted the show to watch "The Mist" with Liz, and I wasn't impressed with the Mist. The ending ruined the whole frigging movie! WHY can't film-makers simply stick to the stories as written? Why change what worked, knowing the change is probably going to flop with the people you are most banking on watching the movie... Stephen King fanatics?

Anyway... spend the money and 2.5 hours on "The Kingdom"... it's worth it.

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