Monday, March 17, 2008

Now THIS is the chickens coming home to roost.

I've called you many things, but idiot was never one of them. FINALLY we arrive at what I've been trying to draw out of you for years. The first is that presidents do matter concerning abortion - and on a level that disallows the reasoning you used to look past Clinton's stance. And you're right that no one demonstrated that in the positive more then Dubya (and in the negative like Clinton). For me to read that it "rankles" you looking back at your Clinton vote (over the issue of abortion at least) and your admission that Gore would have never brought up, let alone passed the ban on partial birth - the first major step in the right direction in a quarter century as you mentioned - brings us to the end of a long road that always rubbed me the wrong way. Namely your position in which you could, in good conscience, vote for a pro-choicer given the right set of political circumstances. Now I whole heartily give you that the GOP's failures at attacking this issue once in office has in the past given you cover to say "they won't affect it anyway", and that is a failing that outranks (prior to GW) the failures of open borders within the GOP in my estimation. But to know that you will never employ such reasoning again given Bush's success, finally "scratches" an itch that has plagued me low these many years. And that leads into my second observation ...

You, by all accounts, might as well call yourself a Republican at this point. Register, send a few bucks and get on the mailing list (warning though, it's like the Mafia - once you're on the list there's no getting out). Since we've met it has been my opinion that the following was occurring and it eludes to my subject header: the Democrat party was slowly but SURELY leaving you. And you were kicking and screaming the entire time. It was at first the social issues. Through the late 70's to the early 80's it began to creep in, the social issues that is - gay (special) rights went from a whisper to normal speak; abortion became a badge of honor, and there was more. But then we were still in the Cold War and Reagan was still cutting taxes, which included the rich, and he wasn't yet an esteemed legend destined for the $10 bill, so you could remain fairly comfortable in your DNC skin. Then the 90's came and although abortions and their apologists increased on the left, Bill Clinton arrived and through his silver tongue and his "middle of the road" proposals (during the campaigns at least) of middle class tax cuts and other moderate positions (for which he rarely followed up on) you were still fairly comfortable, all though less so, in that Democrat Party coat. Then the impeachment fiasco erupted and although you noticed the sleeves fraying and a button or two missing as abortion and gay marriage pulled at their seems, you felt compelled to defend that Arkansas devil out of duty to your party and a healthy tradition of disliking the GOP's self assigned high moral horse. So, you entered the first decade of a new century feeling their was still some Truman strain of DNA left in the party, and this was reinforced as you checked off the name of Taylor yet again in your voting locality. Then 9/11 happened. And here was a chance for the Democrat Party to show that no matter the labels, you don't attack the US - time for an FDR or Harry T. to show up, and lead the party back towards the mainstream after its two decade slow drift towards the extreme left. And what happened? To your dismay the opposite. From the Move-ons to Pelosi to Reid, and the LSD trip Gore went on, the party steered full bore into the extreme fringes of the political system insisting that any loss, wrong turn, and social perversion was acceptable, neigh necessary, as long as its perception was to further injure the presidency of George W. Bush. All the while mind you as the GOP became more and more liberal in their spending habits, despite the tax cuts. And then you wake up one day and realize that the Republican Party, with its social spending habits, moral center, and national security credentials has become the Democrat Party of Truman & JFK, and the actual Democrat Party had become some bad imitation of a socialist European party that is more comparable to the one of 6 choices appearing just below the Labour Party on a UK ballot. Global warming is their only religion, and in that sect littering is a capital crime whereas aborting a child is nobility incarnate. Wealth redistribution is not only a proposal its a creed to live by. Man on man marriage became a civil right (not the dream MLK had I'd venture to guess). The only enemy the US has is Bush - Al Qeada is just misunderstood and after all its are own fault they hate us, we gave Israel F-16's. And for the love of all that is holy we must, MUST, pull that cord on Terry Schiavo like we're starting a ten year old mower in order to save civilization itself! Look what they've done to you my friend: all the tradition, pride, and vigor in which you defended the Party of your youth was taken for granted, and ultimately tossed aside by the fringe that now rules its auspices. Pelosi, Reid, Dean, Obama & Hillary. These are the names that have replaced Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy & O'Neal. When Roe was decided that Party hopped aboard a Classy Chassy destined for the gates of hell, and even at 2 miles an hour they eventually got there.

So as I said, the party that best represents my friend Titus is one with a moral social conscience; the resolve to defend the nation; rejects wealth redistribution, yet is loose on both illegal immigration and the social purse strings regarding health care. That's a definition of the current GOP if I ever heard one ..... much to my chagrin on those latter two I assure you. And now, it is YOUR party .... Fret not dear friend, I'll bring a small toy elephant to PA for your nightstand .... welcome aboard.

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