Monday, March 24, 2008

"Cowboy? What are you, from Texas?"

Just a quick hit here - today's my birthday, the big 3-2. I'm off to ravish my significant other etc etc along with other efforts to celebrate the day (which may or may not end up requiring asprin tomorrow). Hey - if all goes well career wise perhaps this day will one day be a federal holiday - which means of course that nobody I know will get it off, bunch of Godless pagans we work for in this industry (that thought occurred to me as I shoved the dice out on CR402 at probably the same time Easter Mass was being administered).

Oh, Titus, where are you registering? You know - gifts and what not. It occurred to me that I'd figure out my own gift but Angela insisted I ask where you guys are registering ... she fears I'll purchase some old book or other historically oriented trinket - I mean why do that when the world is ripe with waffle makers and the sort?

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