Saturday, March 15, 2008

Slow down chief ...

Or maybe it's Master Chief, I'm not familiar with your rank.... just kidding, I have tremendous respect for your service. I was in no way indicting Halliburton when I posted my comment. In fact I agree that the reality is that Halliburton IS the go to company in order to put feasibility into accomplishing your and your compatriots missions. My mentioning that company's name was to poke fun at the "Move ons" who see a conspiracy behind every oil company meeting and in every sock drawer of the vice president. It was a commentary on their inconsistencies about "closed" bidding for federal dollars - they request, ney DEMAND, that the process be "open" then turn right around and support, at the top of their lungs, the monopoly on education the government run schools have, rather then open our youth's education up to competition for those tax dollars. We spend something like 12k per child in our government run school system each year when much better preforming private schools (in all categories) have tuition's much lower and nations like Switzerland's spend on average 4k per year yet outrank us in math & science scores.

That inconsistency of whack job leftists is what I was trying, apparently not very well, to parlay the discussion of competition for federal dollars into. That's all. I've got no problem with Halliburton, and the loones on the left don't have any evidence - they just repeat it often & loud along with the names Cheney & Bush in hopes of having some urban legend created about the administrations so-called ties to the oil industry.

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