Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Answer me this...

Does the entire world see Joe Lieberman as a liberal? I have repeatedly heard his name mentioned as one of the “liberals” most frequently associated with McCain (on one side) and Clinton (on the other).

The man has been a “Democratic” member of US Senate since 1988, and only since 2006 has he been listed as an “Independent”. However, let’s look at the facts…

He is pro-life.
He has backed the war in Iraq since day ONE, and has never wavered in that support.
He has voted AGAINST any budget amendments that call for a troop reduction or withdrawal from Iraq or Afghanistan.
He voted to reform AND remove Affirmative Action from the books, twice.
He whole-heartedly supported the “No Child Left Behind” bill, and still does.
He voted to limit class-action lawsuits, twice.
He voted to limit punitive damage awards in civil suits, twice.
He is adamantly anti-Hollywood.
He was a member of the Gang of 14, and voted for Justice Robert’s confirmation.
He supports NAFTA and CAFTA.
He has shown unwavering support of Israel and all Israeli policy in regards to Hammas and the PA.
He AUTHORED the bill that called for the institution of a Department of Homeland Security.

Now, I understand that the man is hardly the biggest fan of the NRA, but lest we forget… James Brady (the man behind the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act ) was and still IS a Republican.

Joe is also a bit left-of-center when it comes to gay marriage. He also voted to Not amend the Constitution to make it a crime to burn the flag.

Does this make him “liberal”?

Does that mean Scoop Jackson was a liberal? Zell Miller? Bob Casey? Gene Taylor, for Christ’s sake???

The DLC is the only reason I am still a registered Democrat, and as long as they can function as an arm of the party, I’ll stay a registered Democrat.

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