Thursday, March 27, 2008

Somewhere on this planet Neal Neimuth is breaking out in hives.

I do not mean to shame anyone or sound holier than thou, but I cannot remain silent on this issue any longer.

Just now I typed guaranty into the computer and the spell checker missed it. It is guarantee. As in I guarantee this is the right way to spell the word.

It's the same with isle. If we were talking geography, isle would be perfectly acceptable and of course, your spell checker will miss it. But the aisle you're referring to is aisle, as in a gap in a row of chairs for people to walk through.

None of us have all the time we'd like when it comes to proof reading. I'm not picking on anyone. But any lurker out there is scratching their head going, "They sound so smart. Why can't they spell?"

I can't live with that.


Titus said...

I, however, CAN live with that.

It is simple, really...

I have chosen to reject YOUR reality, and to replace it with one of my own choosing.

If you doubt the validity of this action... please re-read you Richard Bach.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Baddboy said...

