Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm so proud I almost want to cry.

And it wasn't even about watching my oldest daughter and son go to confession today during their CCD class. It was Badboy, resident Lutheran, become the greatest Catholic apologist of the week!

I know, we don't usually talk religion because Ryan can't play, but I have to post this story.

Badboy calls me this afternoon and opens with something along the lines of, "No matter where I go I can't get away from you people." He then launches into this story about Michigan Redneck, all six foot three of him, and how he proudly proclaims his liberal Irish Catholic status.

"Liberal? What, you're a John Kerry/Ted Kennedy Catholic?" Badboy laughs.

No, Michigan Redneck responds. He just doesn't agree with some of the "older," out of touch points of Catholicism.

"Man," Badboy tell me. "I'm not even trying at this point. He's walking into this all by himself and I'm doing all I can to not laugh and scare him away." So Badboy asks the inevitable question, which points freak Michigan Redneck?

"Papal Infallibility."

"So you're Lutheran and you don't even know it yet," Badboy counters.

No, Michigan Redneck responds. He then tells Badboy about how he doesn't feel very comfortable in a Lutheran Church. At which time Badboy springs the trap and tears Michigan Redneck a new poop hole because he's denying a fundamental aspect of Catholicism.

I launch right over the cliff of charity and loudly exclaim, "Perhaps he'd feel more comfortable in an Episcopalian Church with a lady priest? Or a controversial bishop?" So we both had a good laugh.

It's fun having a protestant apologize my faith for me. Damned cafeteria catholics. Badboy is so ready to embrace his true faith. I've got Bishop Thomas and Father Tony of the Diocese of Biloxi on speed dial. We'll have this Confirmation done in one afternoon.


Titus said...

Nicely done, Baddboy!

Me? I'd never have been that nice... as soon as someone tells me they don't agree with some aspect of our Catholic faith, I just start referring to them as Episcopalian from that point on. Too many American Catholics think Faith should reflect their ideals of democratic society.

I just don't ever remember hearing God ask for a show of hands to make a decision...

F. Ryan said...

For the record, we don't discuss religon becuase YOU wine swilling, cracker eating, red nose robe wearing Catholics can't play... he, he.