Wednesday, March 12, 2008

On VP's ...

I would very much like to see Barbour in there - I've been a Mississippian since I was 8 for crying out loud! So don't get me wrong. But the South East will go to the GOP no matter how big Obama's grass roots get, so even though Haley's accent will guarantee everything in Dixie Land, it is virtually guaranteed already.

Here's my prediction/strategy suggestion for McCain. What state has been the most crucial in terms of the number of electors in the electoral college AND its tendency to be up for grabs each presidential cycle in recent history? Florida. McCain loses it to Obama and that's the ball game. Their current governor, Charlie Crist (pronounced with a soft "i" as in "it") is wildly popular, in the 70% range - almost unheard of. And he endorsed McCain early, before the Fla primary, which probably swung it for McCain over Romney. Name me another potential VP candidate that can guarantee he delivers a state so electorally rich and so on the fence as Florida? You put him on the ticket and there's no hanging chads to worry about, you carry it by a half million votes. Like I said, I would love a fellow Mississippian on the ticket, but objectively speaking MS goes McCain anyway, Florida is not a lock and extremely vital - Crist comes out ahead here.

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