Monday, March 24, 2008

No, it IS that bad ...

"Hillenomics" would make Jimmy Carter look like Warren Buffet. She wants to "take" oil company profits & redistribute them to government bureaucracies searching for alternative energy. She wants a "birth fund" so that every child born in America will receive $5,000 - yes flat out 5k for being born. That'll make illegals less likely to come here right? She wants blanket amnesty. She wants to federalize1/7 of the US economy with her socialized medicine proposal. She wants to roll back the Bush tax cuts. It's "malaise" on steroids.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of welfare (outside of invalids & orphans) period, be it individual or corporate welfare. Here's the scenerio occuring in my opinion: Bush, in his capacity as head of the Republican Party, reads polls. The economy has surpassed the war in terms of what voters are most concerned with and he is desperately seeking to avoid two consecutive quarters of negative growth thus handing McCain the big "R" word right before what will undoubtedly be a tight election. So there's your Bear Sterns bail out, and that "rebate" check - they're band aids hoping to mask these inevitable corrections it what was a soaring market on all fronts. This is done rather then fundamentally reform our federal budget/deficit (weakening the dollar), our gas prices with alternative fuels in a moon shot scenario (giving consumers more buying power); private market solutions to health care; stopping the flow of illegals whom artificially depress real wages; or restructuring the trade imbalance with China - all of which would go a long ways towards raising the value of our dollar (Canada briefly pulled ahead of us earlier this year) and making our national economic policy more sound.

My read on your last post Jambo is that you're frustrated that the GOP isn't addressing any of those issues (and more) on fundamental levels thus making Hillary more appealing simply because it's different - stay strong & don't fall for it. Eventually we will get another congress like the 1994 crowd and real change will follow.

On a side note, since you mentioned Hillary, did you catch her description of her 1996 trip to Bosnia? She claims, "I remember landing under sniper fire and there was supposed to be a greeting ceremony on the tarmac but instead we just ran with our heads down all the way to the cars." Keep in mind that she was recalling this story during a stump speech which was to affirm her foreign policy credentials. Well, there is footage of said landing. She walks off the plane, with Chelsey. A group of military and foreign dignitaries greet her, and oh yes, she stops on the tarmac and bends down to kiss an 8 year old girl whom was bearing a greeting gift. He,he,he. What is it about the Clinton's that they have absolutely no relationship with the truth? Ya, I want 8 more years of this nonsense, lay it on me ....

1 comment:

Jambo said...

Dude... I'm not a Hilary apologist. Nor am I defending any proposed policies she's suggesting. But the original question remains. What responsibility does the federal govt have to you, Ryan Q Taxpayer?